I live in an old house, almost 100 years old. I have witnessed how high humidity can cause the wood in door and door frames to shrink and swell, making it difficult to open and close. Beyond personal discomfort and potential health problems, high humidity and poor ventilation also affect your home. Not only the smell of congestion and mold, but also serious problems such as mold and mildew spreading inside walls, floor boards creak and bend, peeling paint and deformed carpentry.
In addition, condensation on windows and walls begins to cause structural damage. Old houses are particularly prone to retaining excess moisture, as they may not be well insulated and ventilated. Even newer construction in the Midwest is at risk of damage from frequent freezing and thawing. Humans need some moisture to function optimally, but excess moisture is a problem.
While low humidity can cause some discomfort issues, such as cracked lips and cracks in wooden furniture, too much reverse moisture can make your home a breeding ground for mold and mildew. A dehumidifier can help you solve the problems of excess moisture. A dehumidifier can help remove moisture immediately, but you'll need to investigate and remedy the situation to avoid recurring problems. Another reason why the basement is a good idea is that it usually has a drain, so you can easily empty the dehumidifier.
When asked whether a dehumidifier is good or bad for your health, the direct answer is simply YES. Dehumidifiers, when used in the right conditions and in the right way, are absolutely fantastic and good for your health, making a difference in your comfort level in hot seasons. But when is the best time to use them? Depending on where you live, you may only need to plug in the dehumidifier in late spring, summer, and early fall, when temperatures are warmer and outdoor humidity levels are higher. A dehumidifier is a device with only one specific mission, which is to lower the total level of humidity present in the atmosphere.
However, you should not use a dehumidifier in the cold season, because of course the humidity level in the atmosphere is already dangerously low, and removing more moisture would only further endanger your health, because air with a very low moisture content also acts as a trigger for some allergies. Using a dehumidifier also saves on your energy bills, as it helps your air conditioner work with a smaller load, so it consumes less energy and, therefore, poor maintenance: Most maintenance needs for a dehumidifier are easy and take little time to complete. If you're having trouble remembering, consider buying a dehumidifier that comes with an attachment that allows you to hook a hose directly to the bucket. Read on to learn more about the signs that you have too much humidity in your home, the benefits of using a dehumidifier, and the ideal humidity level for most people.
If you live in an area with high humidity, have a humidity problem in the home, suffer from allergies, you are planning a painting project, you have a lot of wood work or old furniture, or you have a lot of electronic devices, you need a dehumidifier in your home. If you have a professionally installed whole house dehumidifier, you can increase your energy costs annually, depending on whether it is turned on year-round and covers your entire home. If you want to know what to do if your basement is too humid (opens in a new tab) and how this could affect your health (especially if you've seen mold grow), then it's important to consult a health professional and consider whether a dehumidifier could be a useful addition to your appliances. The answer is YES, modern dehumidifiers have been specially built with so many safety features that help it stay safe, even when plugged in and left to run for extended periods.
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